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David Joaquín Delgado Hernández Ingeniero Civil Doctorado -- Toluca UAEMex (Facultad de Ingeniería) (722) 2140855 ext. 1101 Área 7: Ingenierías Administración en la Ingeniería : página con algunos de los productos de... más
: página con algunos de los productos de investigación generados:
Acciones Investigador ID Nombre
David Joaquín Delgado Hernández Morales-Nápoles, O., Delgado-Hernández, D.J., De-Leon, D., Arteaga-Arcos, J.C., (2013), A Continuous Bayesian Network for Earth Dams’ Risk Assessment: Methodology and Quantification, Structure and Inf... más
Morales-Nápoles, O., Delgado-Hernández, D.J., De-Leon, D., Arteaga-Arcos, J.C., (2013), A Continuous Bayesian Network for Earth Dams’ Risk Assessment: Methodology and Quantification, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance, ISSN: 1573-2479 (Indexadaen ISI web of Knowledge)
David Joaquín Delgado Hernández Rigaud-Téllez, N., and Delgado-Hernández, D.J., (2012), An interpretative systems approach to develop a functional framework for knowledge management, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences,... más
Rigaud-Téllez, N., and Delgado-Hernández, D.J., (2012), An interpretative systems approach to develop a functional framework for knowledge management, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, ISSN: 2235-767X, Vol. 1, No. 9, pp 72-82
David Joaquín Delgado Hernández Delgado-Hernández, D.J., Morales-Nápoles, O., De-Leon, D., Arteaga-Arcos, J.C., (2012), A Continuous Bayesian Network for Earth Dams’ Risk Assessment: An Application, Structure and Infrastructure Engi... más
Delgado-Hernández, D.J., Morales-Nápoles, O., De-Leon, D., Arteaga-Arcos, J.C., (2012), A Continuous Bayesian Network for Earth Dams’ Risk Assessment: An Application, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance, ISSN: 1573-2479, i First article, pp. 1-14, (Indexada en ISI web of Knowledge)
David Joaquín Delgado Hernández Delgado-Hernandez, D.J., and Aspinwall, E.M., (2010), A framework for building quality into construction projects: part II, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, ISSN: 1478-3363, Vol. 21 No ... más
Delgado-Hernandez, D.J., and Aspinwall, E.M., (2010), A framework for building quality into construction projects: part II, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, ISSN: 1478-3363, Vol. 21 No 7, pp. 725-736 (Indexada en ISI web of Knowledge)
David Joaquín Delgado Hernández Delgado, H.D. and E. Aspinwall, (2008), Quality Management Case Studies in the UK Construction Industry, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, ISSN: 1478-3363, Vol. 19 No 9, pp. 919-938 (Ind... más
Delgado, H.D. and E. Aspinwall, (2008), Quality Management Case Studies in the UK Construction Industry, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, ISSN: 1478-3363, Vol. 19 No 9, pp. 919-938 (Indexada en ISI web of Knowledge)