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Nombre Apellido Paterno Apellido Materno Profesión ID Grado Académico ID SNI ID Ciudad ID Institución ID Correo Electrónico Teléfono Área Temática ID Especialidad ID Comentario
Gabriel Luna Sandoval Investigador Maestría -- San Luis Río Colorado Universidad Estatal de Sonora (653) 1009314 Área 7: Ingenierías No disponible --
Acciones Investigador ID Nombre
Gabriel Luna Sandoval Importance of Research Procedures in Reverse Engineering for Engineering Education
Gabriel Luna Sandoval Fuel cells using urine: ammonia control urine filter
Gabriel Luna Sandoval Reverse Engineering as a way to enhance the development of technology: the case of hydrogen fuel cells
Gabriel Luna Sandoval Vibration frequency peak detection and sorting technique for passenger vehicles
Gabriel Luna Sandoval Fuel cells using urine as a natural electrolyte: clean energy alternatives new way for hydrogen fuel