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Porfirio Gómora Arrati Biólogo Doctorado -- Tlaxcala. CINVESTAV tlaxcala 01 246 462 1727 Área 2: Biología y Química biología de la Reproducción conducta y a... más
biología de la Reproducción conducta y analgesia
Acciones Investigador ID Nombre
Porfirio Gómora Arrati González-Arenas A, Piña-Medina AG, González-Flores O, Gómora-Arrati P, Carrillo-Martínez GE, Balandrán-Ruíz MA, Camacho-Arroyo I. Expression pattern of Tau in the rat brain during pregnancy and the be... más
González-Arenas A, Piña-Medina AG, González-Flores O, Gómora-Arrati P, Carrillo-Martínez GE, Balandrán-Ruíz MA, Camacho-Arroyo I. Expression pattern of Tau in the rat brain during pregnancy and the beginning of lactation. Brain Res Bull. 2012 Aug 3. [Epub ahead of print]
Porfirio Gómora Arrati García-Juárez M, Beyer C, Gómora-Arrati P, Lima-Hernández FJ, Domínguez-Ordoñez R, Eguibar JR, Etgen AM, González-Flores O. The nitric oxide pathway participates in lordosis behavior induced by centra... más
García-Juárez M, Beyer C, Gómora-Arrati P, Lima-Hernández FJ, Domínguez-Ordoñez R, Eguibar JR, Etgen AM, González-Flores O. The nitric oxide pathway participates in lordosis behavior induced by central administration of leptin. Neuropeptides. 2012 Feb;46(1):49-53. Epub 2011 Oct 21.
Porfirio Gómora Arrati Gómora P, Beyer C, González-Mariscal G, Komisaruk BR. Momentary analgesia produced by copulation in female rats. Brain Res. 1994; 656(1):52-8.
Porfirio Gómora Arrati González-Flores O, Gómora-Arrati P, García-Juárez M, Miranda-Martínez A, Armengual-Villegas A, Camacho-Arroyo I, Guerra-Araiza C. Progesterone receptor isoforms differentially regulate the expression ... más
González-Flores O, Gómora-Arrati P, García-Juárez M, Miranda-Martínez A, Armengual-Villegas A, Camacho-Arroyo I, Guerra-Araiza C. Progesterone receptor isoforms differentially regulate the expression of tryptophan and tyrosine hydroxylase and glutamic acid decarboxylase in the rat hypothalamus. Neurochem Int. 2011 Oct;59(5):671-6. Epub 2011 Jun 28.
Porfirio Gómora Arrati Carrillo-Martínez GE, Gómora-Arrati P, González-Arenas A, Roldán-Roldán G, González-Flores O, Camacho-Arroyo I. Effects of RU486 in the expression of progesterone receptor isoforms in the hypothalamus... más
Carrillo-Martínez GE, Gómora-Arrati P, González-Arenas A, Roldán-Roldán G, González-Flores O, Camacho-Arroyo I. Effects of RU486 in the expression of progesterone receptor isoforms in the hypothalamus and the preoptic area of the rat during postpartum estrus. Neurosci Lett. 2011 Oct 24;504(2):127-30. Epub 2011 Sep 17.