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Alejandro Ríos Chelén Biólogo Doctorado -- No disponible postdoc en Universidad de California Dav... más
postdoc en Universidad de California Davis 530 3799112 Área 2: Biología y Química Ecología de la Conducta --
Acciones Investigador ID Nombre
Alejandro Ríos Chelén Ríos-Chelén AA, Quirós-Guerrero Esmeralda, Gil D and Macías Garcia C. (2013). Dealing with urban noise: vermilion flycatchers sing longer songs in noisier territories. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiol... más
Ríos-Chelén AA, Quirós-Guerrero Esmeralda, Gil D and Macías Garcia C. (2013). Dealing with urban noise: vermilion flycatchers sing longer songs in noisier territories. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 67:145–152 doi: 10.1007/s00265-012-1434-0
Alejandro Ríos Chelén Templeton CN, Ríos-Chelén AA, Quirós-Guerrero E, Mann NI and Slater PJB. (2012). Female happy wrens select songs to cooperate with their mates rather than confront intruders. Biology letters. Early on... más
Templeton CN, Ríos-Chelén AA, Quirós-Guerrero E, Mann NI and Slater PJB. (2012). Female happy wrens select songs to cooperate with their mates rather than confront intruders. Biology letters. Early online version. doi: 20120863.
Alejandro Ríos Chelén Ríos-Chelén AA, Salaberria C, Barbosa I, Macías Garcia C and Gil D. (2012). The learning advantage: bird species that learn their song show a tighter adjustment of song to noisy environments than thos... más
Ríos-Chelén AA, Salaberria C, Barbosa I, Macías Garcia C and Gil D. (2012). The learning advantage: bird species that learn their song show a tighter adjustment of song to noisy environments than those that do not learn. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 25: 2171–2180. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02597.x
Alejandro Ríos Chelén Bermúdez-Cuamatzin E., Ríos-Chelén AA, Gil D. and Macias García C. (2011) Experimental evidence for real-time song frequency shift in response to urban noise in a passerine bird. Biology letters. 7: ... más
Bermúdez-Cuamatzin E., Ríos-Chelén AA, Gil D. and Macias García C. (2011) Experimental evidence for real-time song frequency shift in response to urban noise in a passerine bird. Biology letters. 7: 36-38
Alejandro Ríos Chelén Rivera-Cáceres Karla, Macías Garcia Constantino, Quirós-Guerrero Esmeralda and Ríos-Chelén AA. (2011) An interactive playback experiment shows song bout size discrimination in the suboscine vermilion ... más
Rivera-Cáceres Karla, Macías Garcia Constantino, Quirós-Guerrero Esmeralda and Ríos-Chelén AA. (2011) An interactive playback experiment shows song bout size discrimination in the suboscine vermilion flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus). Ethology. 117: 1120–1127